It has been a little while since I last posted an update on my move to Uganda, so this is what has been happening recently:
Earlier this summer I came across a ministry out of Alabama called Lifeline Children's Services. They work heavily in domestic and international adoptions. Another part of their ministry includes a Deaf school in Uganda. After several closed doors with other Deaf schools in Uganda, I had a really good feeling about this one. I contacted Lifeline and talked to one of the directors that oversees their ministry in Uganda. I went through an interview process and during several conversations with Lifeline, I was able to ask questions. This helped me get an understanding of where they stand, missionally, spiritually, etc.
From a distance, this school looked and sounded like a great fit. I wanted to be confident that this was the place God wanted me, so in September I had the pleasure of joining a ministry team from Kansas on a trip to Uganda. We served at Busega Community School for the Deaf (BCSD) for one week. I met the pastor and staff at the school and fell in love with them and the students.
Going into the trip I wanted to be very intentional about prayerfully seeking God's will and direction. He made it very clear to me that BCSD was the place for me.
Once returning to Raleigh at the end of October, I began working on the next-steps of planning my return trip to Uganda. That included researching and creating a monthly budget; meeting with Lifeline and Journey Church to discuss details, logistics and timing; and continuous prayer.
The new school year in Uganda begins in February. Therefore, that is the target for returning full-time.
I am currently focusing my time on building a team of ministry partners. This includes financial supporters and spiritual supporters. My spiritual support team understands that this ministry is a product of God's call and that Christ is at the center. They love Jesus and strive to make Him famous both here and in Uganda by committing to pray for God's will and restoration of hearts. Financial supporters believe in what God is doing in Uganda. They understand the Great Commission and recognize that God has uniquely qualified them to participate in His ministry through financial support. They commit to faithfully serve and worship Christ through their giving.
I believe that God is doing amazing work in Uganda and I would love to have you as part of my team to win hearts for Christ. If you feel lead to join either of my ministry teams, please let me know. Together, we can share Jesus with deaf children in Uganda and watch God change a nation.
This is a summarized account of where God has lead me up until now. The process is far from over. There is still a lot of work to do and I promise to keep pressing on in order that these Deaf children in Uganda know and accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. I believe that God has a plan for each of their lives. I trust that, even through their pain, God has been with them and will continue to be with them. I love these kids and it is reassuring to know that God loves them even more.
Thank you for following my journey to Uganda and thank you for selflessly partnering with me through prayer and financial support.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
I've been transformed...
I walked through the doorway of the Babies Home and gazed around the sun-lit room. I scanned the sea of exuberant children with beautiful, nearly-bald heads and bold, glowing smiles. I could not wait any longer to see my sweet girl again. It had been months since my last visit and seeing her was the first thing on my mind.
Moments later our eyes met and Maselina ran to me with a smile plastered across her pretty little face. Joy flooded my heart as I hugged her and kissed her sweet, chocolate cheek. My heart was nearly overwhelmed by the love I had for her in that moment. For years I had been praying for her, that God would raise her above her circumstances and transform her into a strong, grounded believer who experienced and knew His everlasting love for her.
The last time I saw her was fifteen months prior. She was quiet, shy, and wanted nothing to do with me. But this time was different. This time she craved my love and affection and there was nothing that would stop me from trying to meet that need. My heart longed to show her how much I love her. For hours we played pat-a-cake, made funny faces at my camera, giggled at our pictures, and cuddled on the lawn. My heart was full.
The way I felt in those few hours, I imagine, is how God feels about us. He loves when His children run to Him. It doesn't matter the time or situation. His arms are outstretched wide whether we are distressed or hopeful, tearful or thankful, in despair or triumph. He takes us as we are and becomes all that we need.
“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness." Zeph. 3:17
When I saw Maselina in July of 2012, I saw a timid and distrustful little girl that was struggling to understand my interest in her. She had built-up walls that I could not penetrate. I saw pain and despair in her eyes.
I saw myself.
Several years back I had been struggling to understand God's love for me.
I could not comprehend the Creator of the world wanting to know me.
There I was, face to face with Maselina, so much common ground mending the two of us together. We were both hurt and afraid.
I prayed regularly for my sweet, little friend. I prayed that God would permeate her heart and love her back to life.
I returned to see Maselina in October of 2013. No longer did I see pain and rejection. God had answered my prayers to reveal a hopeful, joyous spirit within her. He had rescued Maselina just as He had rescued me. He loved us and restored our hearts to Himself. Our hearts, futures, and lives were changed.
Scripture says that God never changes. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8.
I am thankful for that.
And I am thankful that we DO change because of His love for us.
Moments later our eyes met and Maselina ran to me with a smile plastered across her pretty little face. Joy flooded my heart as I hugged her and kissed her sweet, chocolate cheek. My heart was nearly overwhelmed by the love I had for her in that moment. For years I had been praying for her, that God would raise her above her circumstances and transform her into a strong, grounded believer who experienced and knew His everlasting love for her.
The last time I saw her was fifteen months prior. She was quiet, shy, and wanted nothing to do with me. But this time was different. This time she craved my love and affection and there was nothing that would stop me from trying to meet that need. My heart longed to show her how much I love her. For hours we played pat-a-cake, made funny faces at my camera, giggled at our pictures, and cuddled on the lawn. My heart was full.
“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness." Zeph. 3:17
When I saw Maselina in July of 2012, I saw a timid and distrustful little girl that was struggling to understand my interest in her. She had built-up walls that I could not penetrate. I saw pain and despair in her eyes.
I saw myself.
Several years back I had been struggling to understand God's love for me.
I could not comprehend the Creator of the world wanting to know me.
There I was, face to face with Maselina, so much common ground mending the two of us together. We were both hurt and afraid.
I prayed regularly for my sweet, little friend. I prayed that God would permeate her heart and love her back to life.

Scripture says that God never changes. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8.
I am thankful for that.
And I am thankful that we DO change because of His love for us.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Apple of His Eye
I would like to begin by sharing a little bit of my story. I grew up in a small farm town. I have a twin sister and we were raised in a home with parents that loved and supported us. I was on the varsity volleyball team, found a fun job, and had a lot of friends. I later went on to college and was headed toward a great career.
From the outside I had the perfect life; but on the inside I was lost. I felt like something was missing and I didn't like who I had become. By the grace of God, I transferred to a Christian college in Indiana. It was there that I found Jesus. It was there that I found my worth. I began to see myself through God's eyes for the first time.
Have you ever thought about how God sees you?
Do you struggle to understand your identity in Christ?
I have been in those shoes. But God, full of love and compassion, makes it very clear how He looks at us.
Ephesians 1:4 says, "Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus. This is what he wanted to do and it gave him great pleasure."
What Paul is saying in this verse is that long before your birth, before the flood, before the fall, before the creation of the earth, God knew you. He sees past your weaknesses and instead sees you as holy! Can you even fathom that?! His love surpasses our understanding, yet to demonstrate His amazing love, He sent His Son to redeem us and justify us on the cross.
Paul also says that we are adopted into His family. That word creates such a stunning picture in my mind. We were once orphans, lost and alone, wandering through the dark, dead-end streets of our lives. But then, we were hand-chosen to be sons and daughters of The King!
For further confirmation of your identity, check out Genesis 1:27. "So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
Did you catch that? Here it is again: God created you in his image. He gave you eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to perform miracles, and feet to take you to the ends of the earth.
And think of the complexity of your body. Your heart beats over 103,000 times each day. Meanwhile, your lungs are inhaling over 388 cubic feet of air daily to oxygenate your blood and feed your trillions of cells to keep your body functioning.
You are a reflection of God and His mighty power.
I love Ephesians 2:10, "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do all the good things he planned for us long ago."
Isn't this a beautiful encouragement? God created all things, heaven and earth, the sun, moon and stars, creatures small and great. Yet when He made us he called us His Masterpiece. Not only that, as if that isn't amazing enough, He also has a plan for our lives! We don't have to worry about tomorrow, or the next day, because He cares for His children. We need only to be obedient. He loves us enough to give us hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
These are just a few scriptures to remind you of who you are. You are created in the image of God. Adopted as sons and daughters of the Creator of the universe. You have been redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. God loves you and cares for you. You are holy and blameless and created for a purpose. In other words, you are the apple of His eye.
I don't know about you but seeing that is pretty overwhelming!
I'll leave you with this:
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that very well." Psalm 139:14
From the outside I had the perfect life; but on the inside I was lost. I felt like something was missing and I didn't like who I had become. By the grace of God, I transferred to a Christian college in Indiana. It was there that I found Jesus. It was there that I found my worth. I began to see myself through God's eyes for the first time.
Have you ever thought about how God sees you?
Do you struggle to understand your identity in Christ?
I have been in those shoes. But God, full of love and compassion, makes it very clear how He looks at us.
Ephesians 1:4 says, "Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus. This is what he wanted to do and it gave him great pleasure."
What Paul is saying in this verse is that long before your birth, before the flood, before the fall, before the creation of the earth, God knew you. He sees past your weaknesses and instead sees you as holy! Can you even fathom that?! His love surpasses our understanding, yet to demonstrate His amazing love, He sent His Son to redeem us and justify us on the cross.
Paul also says that we are adopted into His family. That word creates such a stunning picture in my mind. We were once orphans, lost and alone, wandering through the dark, dead-end streets of our lives. But then, we were hand-chosen to be sons and daughters of The King!
For further confirmation of your identity, check out Genesis 1:27. "So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
Did you catch that? Here it is again: God created you in his image. He gave you eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to perform miracles, and feet to take you to the ends of the earth.
And think of the complexity of your body. Your heart beats over 103,000 times each day. Meanwhile, your lungs are inhaling over 388 cubic feet of air daily to oxygenate your blood and feed your trillions of cells to keep your body functioning.
You are a reflection of God and His mighty power.
I love Ephesians 2:10, "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do all the good things he planned for us long ago."
Isn't this a beautiful encouragement? God created all things, heaven and earth, the sun, moon and stars, creatures small and great. Yet when He made us he called us His Masterpiece. Not only that, as if that isn't amazing enough, He also has a plan for our lives! We don't have to worry about tomorrow, or the next day, because He cares for His children. We need only to be obedient. He loves us enough to give us hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
These are just a few scriptures to remind you of who you are. You are created in the image of God. Adopted as sons and daughters of the Creator of the universe. You have been redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. God loves you and cares for you. You are holy and blameless and created for a purpose. In other words, you are the apple of His eye.
I don't know about you but seeing that is pretty overwhelming!
I'll leave you with this:
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that very well." Psalm 139:14
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Recently, I have been inundated with people who do not know Christ.
Granted, this is not new to me; I did not grow up in a Christian home nor know Jesus until college.
Nonetheless, a sea of lost-ness is bringing havoc to my heart. It is a burden that I cannot escape. I pray that their eyes be opened to receive salvation, yet I find myself asking, "How can they NOT see Jesus in EVERYTHING they do?" After all, He is everywhere at all times.
Then God, with His unending mercy and grace, sweeps over me and I am reminded of where I have come from.
I was once that lost girl, afraid to go to church, scared of what would be revealed. There were plenty of bad decisions in my wake and I was ashamed. I could not understand how anyone, especially God, would forgive my blatant sins. Furthermore, I had no right to approach God and ask for such a thing...or so I thought. Despite my flawed theology, Jesus did not give up on me. He pursued me relentlessly. He waited patiently through my skepticism and doubt. Then, he swooped in to rescue me just when I needed Him the most.
Millions of people around the world are missing out on a life with Christ. Either they are running from Him, or they sadly have not heard of His greatness. Either way, it is a crisis.
We all need salvation.
We all need Jesus.
In my short life as a Christian I have seen the faithfulness of my God. He gives direction when the road is unclear. His presence brings peace in a scary, unpredictable situation. He sends grace when the world overwhelms me and comfort when I am broken. He shelters me through the storm and makes all things new. He is truth in a fallen world.
I have had a glimpse of who God is and the faithfulness of his character. I often imagine the day when my family and friends and people all around the globe finally experience this too. He is waiting with arms open wide to adopt them into the family of Christ.
What is our role in seeing this become a reality?
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he gave us a command, "Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 28:19)
Jesus said that our job is to tell people about himself. Share his love and expand the Kingdom of God. (John 13:34-35)
God will call each of us into the ministry designed specifically for us. It may mean selling everything and moving to Uganda. It may mean leading an in-home small group. Whatever it is, we are to follow his lead to bring people to Him. If you feel God leading you to something outside your comfort zone, don't hesitate or back down. After all, God knows what is best for you and He wants to use you for his glory. God wants to call you to greater dependence on Him. It is there that you see His strength and power and glory.
I can think of no good reason for not saying 'yes' to God's call.
On the contrary, I can think of hundreds of reasons to jump on board. You will see God work in ways you could have never imagined. You will experience a new level of adoration for Christ. Lost souls that you encounter will be brought to life. Your soul will be refreshed and renewed. The list can go on and on. Point is, God wants to use you. Lost and hurting souls are seeking restoration and completeness and you hold the answer. Won't you jump when He calls?
Had God not saved me when He did, I tremble to imagine where I would be now.
Without a doubt, I would be missing out on this amazing journey He has set out for me.
My continuous prayer is for those people in my life, and those I have yet to meet, that their eyes would be opened to the fullness of life offered through Jesus. I pray that barriers be removed to see how great is our God and that the church not be afraid to follow when called.
Granted, this is not new to me; I did not grow up in a Christian home nor know Jesus until college.
Nonetheless, a sea of lost-ness is bringing havoc to my heart. It is a burden that I cannot escape. I pray that their eyes be opened to receive salvation, yet I find myself asking, "How can they NOT see Jesus in EVERYTHING they do?" After all, He is everywhere at all times.
Then God, with His unending mercy and grace, sweeps over me and I am reminded of where I have come from.
I was once that lost girl, afraid to go to church, scared of what would be revealed. There were plenty of bad decisions in my wake and I was ashamed. I could not understand how anyone, especially God, would forgive my blatant sins. Furthermore, I had no right to approach God and ask for such a thing...or so I thought. Despite my flawed theology, Jesus did not give up on me. He pursued me relentlessly. He waited patiently through my skepticism and doubt. Then, he swooped in to rescue me just when I needed Him the most.
Millions of people around the world are missing out on a life with Christ. Either they are running from Him, or they sadly have not heard of His greatness. Either way, it is a crisis.
We all need salvation.
We all need Jesus.
In my short life as a Christian I have seen the faithfulness of my God. He gives direction when the road is unclear. His presence brings peace in a scary, unpredictable situation. He sends grace when the world overwhelms me and comfort when I am broken. He shelters me through the storm and makes all things new. He is truth in a fallen world.
I have had a glimpse of who God is and the faithfulness of his character. I often imagine the day when my family and friends and people all around the globe finally experience this too. He is waiting with arms open wide to adopt them into the family of Christ.
What is our role in seeing this become a reality?
Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he gave us a command, "Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 28:19)
Jesus said that our job is to tell people about himself. Share his love and expand the Kingdom of God. (John 13:34-35)
God will call each of us into the ministry designed specifically for us. It may mean selling everything and moving to Uganda. It may mean leading an in-home small group. Whatever it is, we are to follow his lead to bring people to Him. If you feel God leading you to something outside your comfort zone, don't hesitate or back down. After all, God knows what is best for you and He wants to use you for his glory. God wants to call you to greater dependence on Him. It is there that you see His strength and power and glory.
I can think of no good reason for not saying 'yes' to God's call.
On the contrary, I can think of hundreds of reasons to jump on board. You will see God work in ways you could have never imagined. You will experience a new level of adoration for Christ. Lost souls that you encounter will be brought to life. Your soul will be refreshed and renewed. The list can go on and on. Point is, God wants to use you. Lost and hurting souls are seeking restoration and completeness and you hold the answer. Won't you jump when He calls?
Had God not saved me when He did, I tremble to imagine where I would be now.
Without a doubt, I would be missing out on this amazing journey He has set out for me.
My continuous prayer is for those people in my life, and those I have yet to meet, that their eyes would be opened to the fullness of life offered through Jesus. I pray that barriers be removed to see how great is our God and that the church not be afraid to follow when called.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Your Mission Should You Choose To Accept It...
I believe that we have all been created for a purpose.
Ultimately, we were made to glorify God.
The avenue in which we accomplish this goal varies for each of us.

My heart broke as I pulled her aside and realized that she had never been taught language. She had never been enrolled in school. I peered into her eyes and could see her longing for acceptance, longing to be loved, longing to understand her place in this world.
Often, what we are doing is comfortable and “fitting” for
us. But, how often do we stop to think that perhaps God might just have more
for us…if only we follow his lead?
After all, he does promise to faithfully lead and care for us, right? Paul tells us in Phil 4:19 “And this same God who takes care of me will
supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in
Christ.” And we are reminded in Jeremiah
29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you.” Says the Lord. “They are plans for
good and not for disaster, to give you hope and a future.”
I recently heard this quote: “We must let go of the life we
have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
Well, I am letting go…because God is calling me to
Uganda. I got the MI:2 talk with
God. “Your mission, should you choose
to accept it,” He said to me, “is to move to Uganda. Seek out the lost and hurting deaf children and empower them with
sign language. Show them how much I
love them and tell them about me.”
Let me back up a few months to the days when God’s story for
my life began to unfold before my eyes.
I was on a mission trip with Arise Africa via Journey Church. It was a Wednesday when our team rolled into
the village of Makutu in the Iganga District.
Our team served diligently all day teaching about the miracles of Jesus
and the faithful, loving character of God.
We played games with the kids, ran like crazy, cuddled babies, and my heart smiled from the flood of the kids' laughter and joy.
Among all of the fun and games, amazing stories, and chaos of hundreds
of kids, one little girl repeatedly caught my eye. She didn’t giggle and yell like the other kids. She didn’t sing
during worship time and the other kids seemed to ignore her.
This sweet girl's name is Mutesa and she is deaf.

My heart broke as I pulled her aside and realized that she had never been taught language. She had never been enrolled in school. I peered into her eyes and could see her longing for acceptance, longing to be loved, longing to understand her place in this world.
We walked hand-in-hand until we found a quiet doorstep and
sat down. A crowd of children gathered
around as I introduced Mutesa to sign language for the first time. What a blessing it was to watch the sadness
and desperation in her eyes turn to hope and excitement. My heart leaped when she proudly marched to
a pastor, tugged on his shirt, looked up at him and used her newly acquired
signs to tell him that he was a boy!
Such a simple concept that we take for granted but proof of a brand new world opening
for Mutesa.
When it was time to load the van and leave, I would be lying
if I said I was okay. To be honest, for
a moment (or two…or three…) I just wanted to scoop her up in my arms, take her
with me, and hold her forever. After all, how could she go one
more day without
language? Without genuine love? Without knowing the name of Jesus?!
Then God shook me back to reality—I could not take her with
me. So I trust that God is protecting her, leading her, and teaching her about
himself in ways that I never could, even with sign language.
Meanwhile, in the days and months to follow God and I spent a lot of time together. I was asking a lot of questions while He was silently preparing my heart. Then the time came when my questions were answered and God said to go. He has an awesome road ahead of me--nothing that I could have ever dreamed or imagined on my own, but I also could not imagine turning my back to a front row seat to witness countless deaf children
learning sign language and experiencing Jesus’ love as they become followers of
This is not Mission: Difficult. It is Mission: Impossible. I cannot do this of my own strength. Jesus says, “With people this is impossible, but with
God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
I trust that God will be with me every step of the way, revealing
himself and drawing hearts into His redemptive relationship every moment of every day.
What a blessing it is to be a child of God and to serve the Lord.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Commitment To God
Life is beautiful. Life is full of joys and blessings and countless laughters. Smiles, butterflies, and nieces, and chocolate!
Nonetheless, it also has a way of throwing us curveballs. We often find ourselves in situations where we have no clue what the next step is. Maybe it is the overwhelming task of raising children, a struggling marriage, or a call to full-time ministry! (Which is where I find myself, now.) No matter what the situation we find ourselves in, it can feel daunting. Fortunately, as Christians, as children of God, we don't face these trials alone. We are able to cast all our burdens and worries upon Jesus and look to Him in our time of need. However, this is not our free ticket to our genie-in-a-bottle! Rather, we are called to be committed followers of Jesus.
Jesus says in Luke 9:23, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me."
Oxford dictionary defines 'commitment' as the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause; a pledge; an engagement or undertaking that restricts freedom of action. Hence, a commitment to Jesus is a promise of complete dedication to Him and His ways at the expense of our own life and desires. A commitment to God is denial of self for the sake of following Jesus....
Have I lost you yet? Because truth be told, the topic of commitment has become quite taboo in American culture these days. Just mentioning the word, people feel bound and restricted--and that is not the American way. We want to come and go as we please! We want to make our own decisions. We want to 'be grown.'
God, however, has made it very clear throughout scripture that we must decide whom we want to follow: we can choose the world, or we can choose Jesus. Matthew 6:24 states, "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
Elijah also confronted his people and said, "How long will you waver between two options? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him." 1 Kings 18:21
Jesus made his disciples choose: They had the option to stay behind and remain fishermen, or follow him and become fisher of men.
And in Luke, Jesus says, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."
Repeatedly we see examples of Jesus calling his followers to chose between the things of this world and eternal life with him. This decision to follow Jesus is not to be taken lightly. God understands the importance of our commitment to him and has given us the gift of baptism to publicly display our love and devotion for Him. Similar to a marriage ceremony, baptism is our vow to be faithful to God. We typically see marriages go through a 'honeymoon' stage--everything is great in the beginning. The couple is so in love, but as time goes on, life happens, the honeymoon fades and the commitment to each other often fades as well. Unfortunately, this happens in our walk with Christ as well. We claim the title of 'Christian' and gladly accept the salvation that comes with our declaration of faith. Then, we "pick and choose as if the teachings of Scripture were a buffet, where you just take what looks good to you and don't worry about the rest." (Kyle Idleman, Not a Fan)
We are willing to go to church every Sunday, as long as it isn't raining, but don't ask about serving the homeless.
We are willing to drop some money in the offering basket occasionally, but don't mention missions.
God does not want us to be half-hearted in our relationship with him. He wants all of us. After all, He didn't love us part-time when he sacrificed his Son to die for us. Our commitment to Him is going to take sacrifice, but He understands what sacrifice means from the depths of His heart. And He gave us this command: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:30.
Jesus has more than anything that this world can offer us. He has mercifully invited us into relationship with Him by saying to everyone, "If anyone would come after me, he must take up his cross and follow me." Luke 9:23. He doesn't want us sitting on the sidelines contemplating His strength and majesty and sovereignty any longer. He is the Great "I Am".
We have a decision before us: either deny ourselves or deny Christ.
Nonetheless, it also has a way of throwing us curveballs. We often find ourselves in situations where we have no clue what the next step is. Maybe it is the overwhelming task of raising children, a struggling marriage, or a call to full-time ministry! (Which is where I find myself, now.) No matter what the situation we find ourselves in, it can feel daunting. Fortunately, as Christians, as children of God, we don't face these trials alone. We are able to cast all our burdens and worries upon Jesus and look to Him in our time of need. However, this is not our free ticket to our genie-in-a-bottle! Rather, we are called to be committed followers of Jesus.
Jesus says in Luke 9:23, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me."
Oxford dictionary defines 'commitment' as the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause; a pledge; an engagement or undertaking that restricts freedom of action. Hence, a commitment to Jesus is a promise of complete dedication to Him and His ways at the expense of our own life and desires. A commitment to God is denial of self for the sake of following Jesus....
Have I lost you yet? Because truth be told, the topic of commitment has become quite taboo in American culture these days. Just mentioning the word, people feel bound and restricted--and that is not the American way. We want to come and go as we please! We want to make our own decisions. We want to 'be grown.'
God, however, has made it very clear throughout scripture that we must decide whom we want to follow: we can choose the world, or we can choose Jesus. Matthew 6:24 states, "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
Elijah also confronted his people and said, "How long will you waver between two options? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him." 1 Kings 18:21
Jesus made his disciples choose: They had the option to stay behind and remain fishermen, or follow him and become fisher of men.
And in Luke, Jesus says, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."
Repeatedly we see examples of Jesus calling his followers to chose between the things of this world and eternal life with him. This decision to follow Jesus is not to be taken lightly. God understands the importance of our commitment to him and has given us the gift of baptism to publicly display our love and devotion for Him. Similar to a marriage ceremony, baptism is our vow to be faithful to God. We typically see marriages go through a 'honeymoon' stage--everything is great in the beginning. The couple is so in love, but as time goes on, life happens, the honeymoon fades and the commitment to each other often fades as well. Unfortunately, this happens in our walk with Christ as well. We claim the title of 'Christian' and gladly accept the salvation that comes with our declaration of faith. Then, we "pick and choose as if the teachings of Scripture were a buffet, where you just take what looks good to you and don't worry about the rest." (Kyle Idleman, Not a Fan)
We are willing to go to church every Sunday, as long as it isn't raining, but don't ask about serving the homeless.
We are willing to drop some money in the offering basket occasionally, but don't mention missions.
God does not want us to be half-hearted in our relationship with him. He wants all of us. After all, He didn't love us part-time when he sacrificed his Son to die for us. Our commitment to Him is going to take sacrifice, but He understands what sacrifice means from the depths of His heart. And He gave us this command: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:30.
Jesus has more than anything that this world can offer us. He has mercifully invited us into relationship with Him by saying to everyone, "If anyone would come after me, he must take up his cross and follow me." Luke 9:23. He doesn't want us sitting on the sidelines contemplating His strength and majesty and sovereignty any longer. He is the Great "I Am".
We have a decision before us: either deny ourselves or deny Christ.
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